Discover the Colors of Sea Moss
Gold, Purple, Green, and Full Spectrum for Maximum Benefits! Perfect for those who want all the benefits!

This is the real deal. There are so many people selling awful sea moss that claim to be real. My sea moss isn’t that. I get it directly from a family in St. Lucia who harvest it. There is no pool (it comes from the sea), it’s sun-dried (dry not wet like some..not the way it’s supposed to be), and no salt crystals found (#1 clue it’s grown in a pool and not real).

Directly from Caribbean Sea
Brought to you directly from the beautiful waters of the Caribbean Sea, off the shores of St. Lucia is raw and 100% organic golden sea moss sold to you. Our sea moss comes straight from a family sea moss farming operation in St. Lucia. Traditional Lucian farmers collect the sea moss from the sea and then cultivate them in open ocean farms for 2-3 months until the sea moss has grown large enough to be harvested.

No Chemicals, Just Natural
Everything is done by hand, just the way it's been done for generations. I travel to St. Lucia once a month to visit the family I buy my product from, just to ensure the quality of the product I sell. Some places say their product is from St. Lucia when they get it from a distributor elsewhere. This is pure wild-harvested sea moss. It is hung to air dry and there are absolutely no chemicals used in the process. This is not bleached or raised in a pool. I guarantee the highest possible quality sea moss and would be happy to answer any of your questions.